What To Expect After An Abortion | Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir
What can you expect after an abortion using Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir? After an abortion procedure, you’ll spend a little time in a recovery room before heading home.
If you’ve been given sedatives, you’ll need someone to help you get home, like a partner, friend, or family member, even if you’re taking public transportation or taking a cab or rideshare service.
If you have an abortion procedure, you may have some cramping and bleeding in the days after your abortion, but it should taper off over the next week or so. Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir, Some people have almost no bleeding, and others have spotting that lasts a few weeks.
Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir, It varies from person to person, but generally the earlier in pregnancy you have the abortion, the less cramping and bleeding you can expect afterwards. Checkout Abortion Pills Al Sabkha available at affordable prices. You can go back to regular activities the very next day, and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.
If you have a medication abortion , once you’ve passed the pregnancy tissue, bleeding should decrease over a few days after the pregnancy tissue passes, but you may bleed like you’re having a period for a week or two after, and you could continue bleeding for up to 6 weeks. Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir, The bleeding should get lighter over time, but it’s normal for it to stop and start.
Just like with the abortion procedure, if you have a medication abortion, you can go back to work, school, taking care of your kids, or your other normal activities the next day, but if you’ve had a misoprostol-only medication abortion, you should avoid hard physical labor and heavy exercise for a few days.
You can have sex again as soon as you feel ready after medication abortion.
Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir, Some health care providers will recommend a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your medication abortion to make sure the pregnancy is over.
Some health care providers prescribe preventive antibiotics for all people having an abortion.
Abortion Pills Ayal Nasir, You should get your period within-8 weeks of having an abortion. But you can get pregnant again before then if you aren’t using birth control and you’re having penis-in-vagina sex. If it’s been 8 weeks or more since your abortion, and you haven’t had a period, contact a healthcare provider.